• Donate
    For the poor children
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.
  • For the poor children
    raise your helping hand
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.
  • Help The Poor
    For Their Better Future
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.

HNH Foundation

To work for the cause and care of the economically and socially deprived , to improve their quality of life by proving them with education for livelihood , to guide them in bringing a positive change in their lives and hence the society

Home for Poor

We provide Shelter to the poor to improve thier livlihood.

Help Poor Childreen

There are many under previlleged children who need our help to improve thier life.

Funding for Poor

We help the poor by funding them to improve.

Reduce World Poverty

We are working to reduce World Poverty.

How you can help us

Just call at (+91) 8825296838 to make a donation


Happy Donators


Success Mission


Volunteer Reached


Globalization Work

Lets Change the world we all together, join us now as a volunteer